3 Benefits of Gratitude + Consciously Moving Into the Holidays

Finding God in the Everyday

As we move into the holidays it’s easy to rush through the day, become irritated by that one relative you’d rather not share turkey with because you just KNOW they’ll say something offensive, or to feel saddened by who we may or may not be with. When any of this comes up for me I lean to an ease filled and powerful practice that helps remind me that God is in the details of my everyday experience.

The Daily Examen is a prayer of consciousness that includes reviewing our day with gratitude.

(Here’s a side-note about gratitude.)

🧬Gratitude decreases inflammation in the body.

🌬Opens the door to abundance consciousness

💆🏽‍♀️ and gets rid of toxic emotions, like hostility. You can't hold hostility and gratefulness at the same time.

Give the Daily Examen a try. Here’s how it flows:

🌬 Find a quiet place near the end of your day where you’re unlikely to be interrupted. Slow down. Breathe. Become aware of God’s presence.

❤️ Next, review the day with gratitude. Paying attention to the small things. Who did you notice today? What did you eat? How did you feel?

🕊 Notice times throughout the day when you felt close to God

🍂Notice times when you may have felt far from God.

📌 Choose a time when you felt far from God to pray into. Let the prayer flow from your heart.

🙏🏽 Look forward to tomorrow with hope

Easy enough to guide yourself through and I’ve also included a guided version of this practice in the collection of meditations here as source of support. Let me know how it goes.