Wild + Holy

Wild + Holy are two of my favorite words. 

It’s the intersection where our awareness of the Divine is heightened and our eyes are opened to the sacredness of everything. 

In the wild, oppressed people enter into covenant with the Divine and receive direction on how to restore their dignity, self-worth, and the possibilities of what love can do. It’s the place where John the Baptist preaches and baptizes folks. It’s where Jesus is tested and then tended to by angels. 

Wild is a location. It’s geography. It’s every place we’ve ever felt devalued, mistreated, alone, and like who we are, as we are, just wasn’t enough. 


No one can take ownership of what happens in the wild. No temple, church, religion, or nation. No system that says, if you come in here and join us then you’ll be holy. The wild says it’s all holy, it’s all sacred. The whole thing is a temple. 

What a gift to live this Wild + Holy life.


Wild + Holy Tank: https://beautifulsoulsessions.com/shop/