Today. Decide.

Ladies. We can decide.

When we make a decision all things move in cooperation with what we desire. We can make decisions without adding “buts” or “ors”. We can decide what feels good to us, for us. And we know, we do know...

We must make decisions we internally agree with. We know how doubt feels. If you feel doubt, make a new decision. Decide and decide again until the doubt that only you are aware of has vanished.

Witnessing the unfolding of my hearts desires, my decisions, has been a great source of Joy. One that has been multiplied exponentially because of the woman I get to co-create with and decide alongside.

Ladies, all things are yours. You have the permission. It is not selfish to choose for you. What will you decide today?


May your days be filled with compassion, your faith remain strong, may growth be your compass and joy fill your tables.
